Thank you for visiting our page for image editing instructions.
These instructions are meant for the PixCapp team. These are the steps we go through to prepare our images
These are the requirements for image editing:
- Surface blur: Apply surface blur to the whole image. Settings: Radius 5 / Threshold 10
- White Background: Select the white background with magic wand. Once completed in selecting, go to Image/Adjustment/Curves and set the output to 218
- Smoothen the bumps on the contours of the black clothing. We do this using Liquify.
- Black clothes: make the black richer. Select all the blacks using magic wand. Select the Burn Tool and set the exposure to 70%. Apply the burn tool to all the blacks and even out the tone.
- Arms that look a bit fat: trim and squeeze the arms to look thinner.
- Skin Lightening: Select all skin using the magic wand. For the face select all the face. Go to Image/Adjustment/Curves and select the preset Lighter and apply to the sections that have skin.
- Facial: Where there is still eye bags, wrinkles, lines or visible dry skin - Please apply the blur tool on normal setting to smoothen the facial features
- Export: Crop the image to 3000X3000 pixels as shown in the examples below.
Please download a clearer sample of the images below from this link.




