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[powr-countdown-timer label="THE BIG REVEAL"]

We are very excited to be working with Universal Music to welcome Yuna to Singapore on 24 February 2014 at the Esplanade Concert Hall. We also have a giveaway that includes a meet with Yuna herself.

Have you seen our latest shawl collection? To view them click here.


The tickets are selling quick. Don't miss this opportunity to see Yuna live at the Esplanade Concert Hall on 24 Feb 2014.

So you wanna meet Yuna in person? Well Adlina Anis Selections, through Universal Music, is able to provide you with A PAIR OF TICKETS AND A MEET-AND-GREET SESSION that will let you do just that. But we're not giving them away to just anyone. You have to earn them and here's how you do it.

The entries are now in. We need your help to determine which entry deserves the Meet & Greet so cast your vote now. The entry with the most "likes" wins. Cast your vote by clicking here.

The entry with the most "likes" stand to win the following:

1. Tickets to see Yuna's Nocturnal: Value - SGD $176

2. Yuna's Nocturnal CD Album: Value - SGD $25

3. Meet with Yuna: Value - Priceless

The other entries will each receive a Nocturnal CD Album

We will contact the winners through your email so get your cameras out ladies!